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Dudley Zoo

On New Years Eve Day we went to Dudley Zoo and it was awesome!

After Christmas which we spent with my family we ventured to the Midlands to stay with my boyfriends family. We did lots of fun things while we were up there but the best (I would say!!) was visiting Dudley Zoo. We went on New Years Eve during the day and the zoo was nicely quite but the animals were very active. I wanted to share some of the amazing photographs with you…so here goes….

Dudley zoo is built around a castle, it forms kind of an intersection of circles around it. The first animals we came to were the flamingos.

Standing in a row in the pond looking very serene and beautiful! This one was away on is own and just had to be photographed! Flamingo

It always surprises me how many different shades they are from orange/coral to pinky to almost white it varies depending on the animal and what they have been eating!


Let me just explain now that both of the cameras failed as soon as we got to the zoo so I apologise in advance for the photos, they were taken on my phone!!


I don't have pictures for everything but next up was the Snow Leopard. There were two snow leopards at the zoo, one outside and one inside, the sign mentioned that they had just received one and were planning on mating the couple, so I expect it was to get them ready. The leopard inside was (we think) the female was lying down stretched out on the bed wriggling around and playing for attention she was absolutely beautiful…

SNow Leapord

If you know me at all you will know that I want a pet penguin, alas this is not to be so instead I have settled for a dog called Dibdin (Pauls fault!) and a tortoise called Charlie…. and as a result I always visit the tortoise/turtles/terrapins in zoos!


Our friend Kate got to feed the giraffes once as part of a zoo keeper for a day experience. There are three giraffes at Dudley Zoo a mummy, daddy and baby… This is the Daddy… he was busy eating but looked up when we took the photos!! We watched the giraffes go back inside while the keeper cleaned their outside area and it was soo funny baby giraffe couldn’t wait to get back inside but mum took some persuading… until the keeper said STOP!! And low and behold she listened!! and stayed inside.


And I have saved the best until last…the penguins!!!

Dudley has the biggest colony of Humboldt Penguins and they are wonderful. I was a bit worried when we got there to see the eat their lunch that they were really far away!! But I was sooo wrong…..


They are amazing, queuing up to get their lunch!! and my favourite Elliot. Elliot was hand reared and as a result seems to think of herself as a little different from some of the other penguins…she seems to think she’s almost human. For example she forgot to eat because she was too busy trying to attract our attention and then Luke (the keeper) had to come and pick her up to a) feed her and b) escape out of the enclosure after feeding time…

SO here is Elliot…


You have to admit she is cute right!!!

Elliot Walking

And I would thoroughly recommend a day out at Dudley Zoo if you are ever in the area…. Smile


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