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Drinks I love

I am not a huge drinker, I would much prefer a big bottle of water to anything else during the day. Having said that I prefer fizzy water to still if I want to be different! And I drink a lot of coffee (to me it is a lot, around 2 a day, though thinking about it I havent had any today and feel fine!)

Night Night :)

But when I am stressed I always make myself a sleepy time tea. I dont drink a paticular kind but there was one my sister swore by. I definitely do not think I would have got through my Masters without it. It smells like feet when in the packet but its amazing so soothing. I think it might have been Pukka Night Time Tea. It must be the oat flower that smells a bit off but seriously I love this stuff. May have to go out and get some more.
I love drinking tea out of my individual tea cup/pot (its sadly packed away at the moment as we are living with my rents I cant wait to get it out again. It makes two cups of tea nicely. Perfect for a little quite reading time before bed. Which stops me from watching too much television or looking at my phone and waking myself up!
Who knows if night time tea actually works.
It certainly does for me!

The most amazing tea ever!
My second favourite is the Tea Pigs Liquorice and Peppermint Tea. Perfect for a sweet kick especially if you are on a diet and cant drink too many hot chocolates. I discovered a version of this when I was at Uni and ill, I had to go to lectures and could barely swallow because my throat was so sore. I asked for lemon and ginger tea but they gave me this instead, and oh boy was that a good idea. It soothed my throat and I have been addicted ever since. A Little on the expensive side considering the amount you get in a pack these babies come in small decomposable tea bags and inside you can see the leaves. Its pretty cool!

After that we get to cold drinks
Great for a hot summers day
Robinsons Peach squash with lots of ice is perfect. in the old flat over the summer we would fill a jug of squash in the morning in the fridge so when we got home there was always loads to drink that was refreshing and peach is my favourite. When I was younger my mum mixed some awful medicine with orange squash and since that point I have hated it!
Tesco does an amazing Diet Cloudy Lemonade which we used to buy quite  a lot last year at the weekends. It doesnt have that kind of strange off taste that normal Diet Lemonade has as its covered up by the Cloudyness!!! Or some rubbish. Its well worth a look at if you get the chance

Just a quick mention for two recent additions to the hot list, alongside usual coffee (with froth prefarably) I have discovered a love of Apostrophes Chilli Chocolate Espresso, which again was ordered by accident. It hits you with the energy of a normal espresso (I would expect as I have never had a normal espresso) but the chocolate is creamy and there is a sharp hit from the chilli. Well worth a try. And then there is their hot chocolate. It comes in two forms as a usual hot chocolate and then as a thick mess than can only really be described as melted chocolate. It is AMAZING! I had one at a meeting with my boss once and we sat there and ate it with spoons. Not good if you are expecting a normal hot chocolate though!

Peach Bellini
Finally onto the more fun things alcohol. As I am 24 I have been legally able to drink for 6 years (terrifying that I left school 6 years ago!) But I wasnt really fussed about alcohol until I went to University the first time. Now I like the odd glass of wine but if I am really pushed I would say my favourite things are Pink Champagne or Peach Bellinis. There is nothing as lovely as a glass of champagne with peach juice. Yum. Though obviously you have to watch how much you drink because this beautiful concoction can you get you quite tispy very quickly. It is champagne after all.

So what is your favourite drink? or drinks?


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